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Writer's picturethecuriousmind


What is TCM?

The Curious Mind is a youth journalism organization that was created with the firm belief that there will always be multiple issues that affect youth life, ranging from local stories regarding the school community to international news of global economic and social implications.

How do we work?

In order to create a community of young and curious students, TCM uses audio, visual, and written mediums to creatively and comprehensively represent the student voice. This involves feed posts, weekly content posts and visual content, such as podcasts. This content can be found in the TCM instagram account (@tcuriousmind) and the TCM website (link).

What is our vision and mission?

Vision: A generation of endless thinker

Mission: To develop critical youths who are able to comprehensively research, highlight, and represent multiple perspectives on both local and global issues.

What is the division in TCM?

TCM consists of two divisions: content creation and design.

  • Content creations involves the writing, filming, and editing of content that ranges on 8 Categories:

1. Out There

news stories that relate to Indonesia and the international world

2. Health

tips and stories about the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental


3. Entertainment

reviews and stories on the newest updates from the film, television, music, and pop

culture industry

4. Future Plans

tips and stories regarding future university selections and career options for the

modern youth

5. Technology

tips and stories regarding future university selections and career options for the

modern youth

6. Literature

reviews and stories on past, current, and upcoming book releases

7. Food

reviews and stories on both local and international cuisine

8. Podcast

discussions and interviews on relevant issues that affect youth life

9. Politics

addresses news of the world, specifically regarding that of the political scene in

areas around the world

  • Design involves establishing aesthetic and visual representation of the created content.

What is the theme of TCM?

The theme of TCM in the years of 2021-2022 is Relevance. We aim to be relevant in the eyes of our audience and post content that’ll appeal specifically to the youth. As of now, TCM is covering controversial social and global issues, as they’re extremely relevant in our community. Expect different types of content from us in the near future!

What can you expect from us?

Viewers can expect that TCM will create and post contents every week in the TCM instagram account (@tcuriousmind) and the TCM website (link). Viewers can also expect that the members of TCM are people of creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.

How many collaborations have we made?

We’ve done collaborations with The Physics Society (@tp_society), The Carimals (@thecarimals)

How to join TCM?

If any young and curious students wish to join TCM, click the link on the right (link) and fill in the registration form. Filling the registration form will put your name in a shortlist as we only accept new members every

What are the roles and responsibilities in TCM?

1. President

Leads weekly team meetings and determines the future direction of organization,

whether it be in content or platform expansion

2. Head of Design

Leads Design team in determining the visual color themes for all TCM platforms and


3. Secretary

Organizes schedule for the writing, designing, and posting of content. Takes

attendance and writes discussion notes on weekly meetings.

4. Head of Content (for each content category)

Determines direction of respective content divisions. Assigns content creation

responsibilities among members and edits written content.

5. Members

Act as active participants in the creation and designing of content. Attends weekly

meetings and contributes to team discussions.

What can you benefit from joining TCM?

Not only does TCM provide the opportunity for members to express their thoughts and ideas. TCM is formed under the direct supervision of IPEKA Integrated Christian School. As long as the members reach the certain requirements, they will be rewarded with a certificate of eligibility that can serve a future benefit.


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