Since the 20th century, reality TV has been one of the fastest growing genres which focuses on depicting a range of real-life situations and interactions between people. Even so, it is generally susceptible to scripting by the show’s producers. Moreover, many criticize the pervasive presence of reality TV shows, citing concerns such as the “dumbing down of America,” ; even Gary Oldman calls reality TV a “museum of social decay.” Inevitably it begs the question: Does reality TV truly deserve its notorious reputation?
Throughout the years, there have been hundreds, even thousands of reality TV shows produced. Some such as Survivor, The Apprentice, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians have gained widespread attention for their ability to captivate audiences with a variety of real-life interactions. For instance, Keeping Up with the Kardashian focuses on the life of the Kardashian family, portraying the joys and challenges of the family through the watchful eyes of the camera. Watching it, in a sense, allows viewers to identify themselves with the people present within the show; a path to escape reality and immerse oneself into a world of glamor which is often elusive to many. Shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians provide a good dose of dopamine for some, but it is intrinsically entertainment devoid of any substance. There is obviously a problem when millions of people spend hours and hours on end killing their time watching these reality TV shows.
Though reality TV has gained notoriety for its “dumb” content, in fact, not all reality TV shows are hollow in nature. Shark Tank is a reality show where five “sharks” or investors from different backgrounds listen to pitches from a range of businesses (which they may get an opportunity to invest in). Now a household name, Shark Tank allows viewers from all age groups to grasp key entrepreneurial concepts in a fun, relaxed environment. Concepts such as equity, profit, margins, distribution, pricing, are explored throughout a breadth of unique, exciting, and most importantly, REAL businesses. It has educated millions of young people around the world, and inspired many more (including young ones) to start their own businesses. The impact of this individual reality TV is absolutely astounding! Not only does Shark Tank enrich the mind of the audience, it also inspires many others and creates countless job opportunities.
Some things that exist in the world cannot be judged as purely good or purely bad; black-and-white mentality does not suffice. Reality TV, in particular, is a unique blend of those two; while many may perceive it as either one, reality in itself is much more complex. And as human beings, we need to appreciate that very fact before making any judgments.
by Michael L.