Bees frighten a lot of people, mainly because of their well-known sting. A bee’s sting is acidic, unlike their more intimidating counterparts, wasps, which have alkaline stings. Reactions to bee stings vary from person to person. While some people may only feel pain, some others’ lives may be in danger because of it. It is not guaranteed that one’s reaction to a bee sting will always be the same every time.
Reactions to Bee Stings
Mild reactions to bee stings are characterized by a searing pain, slight swell, and welts in the punctured area which will fade out within the next few hours.
Moderate reactions are characterized by deep red swelling that gets worse over the next few days.
Severe allergic reactions are characterized by hives and itching, a paler complexion than usual, breathing difficulties, a weak but rapid pulse, nausea or vomiting and diarrhoea, fainting or dizziness, and/or losing consciousness.
What to Do?
For mild reactions, make sure to remove the stinger if it is possible to do so. If it is too deep in, leave it inside and visit the nearest hospital’s emergency room to remove it safely. Wash the punctured area with soap and room temperature running water and apply a cold compress.
For moderate reactions, do the basic treatment for mild reactions first. To relieve pain, take some ibuprofen. To treat the swelling, apply some hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. If the swelling doesn’t die down, take an antihistamine. Make sure to elevate the stung area and avoid scratching because it will become itchier.
For severe allergic reactions, rush to the nearest hospital. Treatments include taking epinephrine, intravenous (IV) antihistamines and cortisone, and a beta agonist.
How to Prevent Them?
Bees won’t sting if not provoked. Whatever you do, don’t provoke them. Avoid wearing brightly colored clothing and floral prints in areas where bees might dwell in. Wear shoes that cover your toes. If there are bees flying towards you or hovering around you, calmly walk away and don’t make sudden movements that may make them feel threatened. In the case that you actually get stung, run away with your mouth and nose covered up because stinging bees release pheromones that will attract other bees to you.