Many news outlets and companies are fighting Apple’s App Store terms and conditions. These terms and conditions say that Apple gets a 30% cut of all in app purchases, and 15% (only for subscriptions) for the year after that.

However Amazon recently got a deal to be able to put their services with only a 15% cut right from the start. 15% is a lot when you consider how many users some of these applications have. With that said, companies are asking Apple to give them a deal as good as Amazon’s.

Many news companies and video and music companies, who are typically subscription based, feel like Apple's decision with Amazon was unfair and does not encourage competition. These companies wrote a letter to Tim Cook, Apple CEO, asking for the same deal.
Regardless of what Apple has to say, it is obvious that the Apple Store has received much controversy recently, especially considering the whole debacle betwee Google, Apple, and Epic Games studio over Fortnite.