In Australia, university fees are set to rise after the Morrison government bowed to demands from the Nationals to spare prospective psychologists & social workers from the biggest increase in costs.

This started because of the proposed “job-ready graduates” packages that remove psychology and social work from being bunched together with the humanities thus increasing 113% of the student fees. The government planned to have these disciplines to have the same increase as others but failed.

Now, in order to offset what it says are “fee reductions for psychology & social work”, the government will increase the maximum fee for some other disciplines (teaching, English, maths, nursing, agriculture, allied health, engineering, etc.) by $250 compared with the original package outlined a few months ago.
The government says that they’ll distribute the tertiary access payment as a scholarship with funds allocated to universities. But, it raised a concern by professors that this is only a scheme and won’t make everything become better, if possible, worse.