The Game Theorist is a YouTube channel dedicated to exploring the science and mysteries that goes in some of the games we play. Majority of their videos are mostly theory videos however there are some analysis videos here and there. Because of this, I can safely say that this is an educational recommendation. Which is something that I cannot say with 100% confidence concerning last week’s recommendation was a philipino mad scientist.
Besides being educational, the language and editing of the videos being posted are surprisingly clean. Making this the second family-friend youtube channel I have recommended. Some of their popular videos explore popular questions we might have had concerning our favorite game characters. These include “How strong is Mario?”, “How fast is Sonic?”, and “Why do we play games?”
It is surprising that I have written this much and not even mention the show’s host Matpat. Matpat or Matthew Patrick is the host of the main segment of The Game Theorist. I have no idea why I’m mentioning this or giving him such a short description but my deadline for this is in 5 minutes and I do not want my editor or editor to whip me. So to summarize things for the 6 of you reading this. Matpat big smart talk about games.