Ironically enough, I like nature documentaries. They’re nice, calming, and are always interesting to see how a 7 centimeters shrimp can shoot hyper condensed air from its claw that results in a surface being heated to the temperature of the sun. You might think I made up that animal but I’m not (pistol shrimp). So imagine my surprise when I found a YouTube channel that combines aspect of both nature and gaming
TierZoo is a YouTube channel that specializes in explaining the evolutionary characteristics of a certain organism and how it contributes to their current place in the ecosystem. Usually their videos discuss the evolutionary process of an organism using terms that are familiar to gamers. For example when discussing characteristics that come with the evolution of an animal, the narrator would usually refer to it as “patch notes” or “buffs”.
In conclusion I recommend you checking out this YouTube channel especially if you are on your chromebook as you can only view so much with this safety lock online. Remember kids, don’t do drugs.