The Escapist is by far one of the more intellectual people I have recommended in this little segment. The Escapist is a Youtube channel focusing on game reviews as well as the tracking of development in specific media.
Despite the fact that there are many different people in The Escapist, it can be safely said that their lead man, Yahtzee Crawshaw, is one of the reasons why they have well over one million views.
Yahtzee Crawshaw is responsible for much of the channel’s more unique content. Besides game reviews, he also makes videos regarding his experience as a game developer as well as analysis videos whose language is somehow more eloquent than all the English teachers I have encountered.
However, that does not mean he does not insult bad games every once in a while. My personal favorite comment is when he compared a bad game to a “woman whose baby has been hit by a truck. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do but all you know that its a mess that you can’t look away from.”
All things considered, The Escapist is a unique spin on the game journalism genre of Youtube channels by somehow being both tamed and insulting at the same time. A balance I’m still trying to achieve in my life.