Filthyfrank also known as PapaFranku is what happens when you mix Mr. Beast, a suicidal drug user, and several brain abnormalities. His existence is a living meme and will either make you laugh or vomit. There is no middle ground. However, he has stopped uploading and thus don’t expect content from him anytime soon.
To name some of the idiotic things that his channel has posted, he has organized an illegal crawfish racing tournament, “pimped” his disabled friend’s wheelchair turning it into something similar to a Mars rover from Mad Max, and shoot his friends constantly with fireworks. Since then he has adopted a respectable career however the sheer retardation of his content still lives on to this day.
Other morally and legally questionable acts include playing a cursed version of Twister and harassing people in various public places. To cap off this article I would like to mention some wise words I have learned from this man.
“You can’t be discriminate against a specific group. If you insult everybody equally.”